Hi, I'm

I’m a Seer, a Healer and an Artist.
My specialties are intuitive shamanic bodywork, ritual facilitation and medicinal art.
It is my great desire and passion to facilitate profound healings and rituals in order to empower my clients to strengthen their intuition and connection to their highest Source. In my experience, this connection is a foundational part of healing.
Why choose me?
If you’re feeling stuck or at a crossroads in your life and you feel unsure of your next steps, strengthening your connection to Source is an effective way to receive clear direction. My shamanic bodywork focuses on releasing from your body and/or energy field what is not yours and/or what is no longer serving you and replacing it with your own pure essence energy.
I have a profound daily practice that keeps me in relationship with the unseen world and my helping spirits. As a result, this enables me to identify and facilitate movement of energy blockages in my clients. My healing work is mostly hands on and I use my drum, rattle and my voice to move energy.
This movement of energy can leave you feeling lighter, energized, more focused, and in less pain.
My work is gentle and effective.
Shamanic Bodywork
Shamanic bodywork is a hands-on healing that can encompass the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies or any combination thereof. This is done by reaching trance states with different helpers (like a drum, a rattle or my voice), and partnering with our combined helping spirits and higher (creator) selves to help guide your body and energy system to do what it knows how to do innately…heal itself and run smoothly. Shamanic bodywork is often described as a process of removing what isn’t yours or is no longer serving you (extraction or depossession) and returning to you what is your essence energy (soul retrieval).

Ritual Facilitation
Ritual is so important because it creates a physical, tangible marker in our lives. In addition, it brings the energetic into our physical reality. It’s such an amazing tool for daily use and for times of transitions like births, deaths, marriages, and coming of age. Ritual is a way of letting go of the old and calling in the new, a way to connect with the energetic world and communicate with the Universe or God or whomever you believe in, exactly who and what you are willing to be NOW. I believe it’s beneficial for us not only as a society, but as a species to learn to remember and reintegrate our indigenous roots in ritual.
Shamanic Art
All art speaks to someone’s Soul.
Some pieces may hold special meaning and create a feeling of wellbeing for one person while a different piece holds special meaning for another. Shamanic art is a custom piece of art that holds special meaning or “medicine” for your soul. I have chosen glass as my main medium of choice because of the powerful benefits of both light and color therapy. I am also drawn to metal sculpture.
I am guided by my intuition and a close relationship with my helping spirits. After a shamanic session with me, I’m often inspired to make a piece of art that will help to integrate the healing you received. It’s often difficult for our bodies and minds to give up on old perspectives that are no longer serving us. By placing your custom piece of stained glass in a prominent position in your home or office, you will be able to contemplate its meaning often. Because image, color and light are combined, it forms a powerful shamanic art piece so you can continue to gently and steadily integrate its medicine into your life for years to come.

Jessie Rothman-Church

About the Healing Space
The Oak
The Oak is a beautifully restored 19th century farmhouse with a welcoming and healing energy. This mighty house has held space for healing in different capacities throughout the years as it once belonged to the local country doctor.