
Claircognizance: Develop your intuition: The Clair Series
Claircognizance is a clear knowing. It is such an amazing gift, and one of my favorites, but it hasn’t always been that way for me! How does claircognizance show up? This gift is

Clairaudience: Develop Your Intuition: The Clair Series
What is it? Clairaudience is clear hearing. This clair can happen in different ways. Some people literally hear things, as if they are hearing with their regular ears. This has happened to me only once

Clairolfaction: Develop your intuition: The Clair Series
Clairolfaction (sometimes called clairalience) is clear smelling. How does it show up? Clairolfaction is a little more rare than some of the other clairs. Many people have this gift as a supplement to their more

Clairvoyance: Develop your intuition: The Clair Series
Clairvoyance is the most well-known of the clairs and means ‘clear seeing’. Some people see visions when they close their eyes and tap into their intuition. Visions may present like flashes of images or

Develop your intuition: The Clair Series: An Introduction
It is my intention to help the reader develop their intuition by writing what I’ve learned about the clairs and how to develop these amazing gifts.

How and Why to Create an Altar
To create an altar is an intuitive way to uplift and clear a space. It is also a way of communicating with your helping spirits and/or Source, much like building a ritual. This can be
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